Sliding Scale Acupuncture
The most affordable way to treat your condition. BAP is a sliding scale acupuncture clinic located in the Gowanus area of Brooklyn. Payments are based on what you can afford and start at $25 per treatment.

Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy
People Tree Wellness is an integrative, holistic, family medicine style healing and health practice founded upon the ancient healing traditions of classical Chinese medicine and classical yoga.

The best medicine for postural asymmetries, Iyengar is a safe and effective yoga for all ages and fitness levels. Concentration on precise alignment illuminates and corrects postural distortions, making it particularly suited for people with painful conditions resulting from structural asymmetry.

Neuromuscular/Holistic Dentistry
Martha Cortes, DDS is a neuromuscular and general holistic dentist. Neuromuscular dentistry technique evaluates the relationship between the teeth, the temporomandibular joint, and the muscles, in order to realign your bite and resolve TMJ / TMD symptoms. Holistic dentistry seeks to create harmony within the body. It examines the patient’s overall health and well being, and is interested in the relationship between your oral health and the rest of your body.
Peter Ferro is a neuromuscular dentist specializing in occlusion (the bite). Neuromuscular dentistry involves the functioning of muscles that control chewing, swallowing, and active/resting jaw positions. Neuromuscular dentistry is most often used to reduce or eliminate pain associated with TMJ and TMD.

Nutritional Therapy
The Mood Cure is a comprehensive and accessible guide to nutritional therapy. Julia Ross explains the connections between brain chemistry, food, and behavior. Chronic pain can be alleviated by correcting vitamin and amino acid deficiencies, making this book vital for many pain patients.

Nutritional Counseling
Private nutritional counseling that optimizes neurological, digestive, and physical health. While most nutritionists fail to recognize the importance of foods to the brain and digestion to overall health, this comprehensive approach takes into account the many elements necessary for a truly healthy person.

Thyroid Health
With the elimination of allergens and thyroid-suppressing foods and chemicals, medical thyroid conditions can often be healed without medication. This is a step-by-step approach aimed to help you heal your thyroid.

Paleo Diet Restaurant
Paleo diet restaurant with grass-fed meats and grain-free options.